Visit Environmental Education Centers
North Carolina has more than 200 Environmental Education Centers that provide quality environmental education for the public, including outdoor experiences, trained staff, exhibits and programs. They serve as vital partners in the N.C. Environmental Education Certification Program and are a valuable resource for classroom teachers, parents and nonformal educators.

What We Do

The NC Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs serves as a clearinghouse for all the environmental education resources in North Carolina. The office manages a nationally recognized professional development program that certifies educators in environmental education. The NC Environmental Educator Certification Program provides enrollees with outdoor teaching skills, science and nature content knowledge and environmental education methods. The program is widely recognized as a credential for hiring purposes across the state, and many enrollees credit the program with advancing their careers. The program has certified more than 1,200 individuals and there are currently more than 800 people enrolled in the program.
River Basin Program
Our River Basin Program is one of the most popular resources for Environmental Educators.